lauantai 6. helmikuuta 2010

Сивер - Сивер demo 1998

Сивер - Сивер demo 1998 Siver - Siver demo 1998
1) Пролог Prolog
2) Пламя гнева Plamya gnewa
3) Предсмертие (сонеты) Predsmertye (Sonety)
1. Плач звездного неба
2. Агония

4) Сивер Siver
5) Тишина Tishina


Слава России! Russian black metal from Murmansk is the offering today. Those who are allergic to Cyrillic may see the transliterated titles on small after the proper ones above, but be warned the .rar contents are also Cyrillic. Here might be a good time to point out I can't speak Russian so don't post comments in the language, m'kay?

Back to topic: this is (as far as I know) the only demo of the band Сивер (Siver) and they play atmospheric and melodic black metal with raw & cold sound. They have accordion too. WARNING: I have an original demo tape (well, it's a normal cassette with 2 sided xerox covers, bought from one of the distros in 1999) and don't know if anyone else has the same problem, but there's annoying disturbance in the end of the 3rd track, as caused by a mobile phone. I don't know if it was the distros fault (presuming he dubbed from a master tape onto blanks and sold them) or the band themselves. I know for sure I didn't cause that. Fortunately it's very brief but still annoying.

Notice that the aforementioned 3rd track Предсмертие (сонеты) is divided into two parts Плач звездного неба & Агония with a noticeable break in between. However I did not divide it into two tracks as it is listed as one on the covers (cover scans included in the download) as one song. That's quite enough writing for now, even with the flaw at the end of the 3rd song this is a recommendable demo.

10 kommenttia:

  1. Man! where do u get all this?
    I wish I had so much tapes.
    It's nice that u tell something about every post. Some blogs just put releases so u can't know if they really own them. But you put only what you own. That's great!

  2. Thanks for your comment Chaos Star!

    Well, I don't own everything I post, there are some contributions from other sources but I try to mention that. Most however is from the stock built at my tape trading days.

  3. One question for you: Do you know russian?

  4. Hail!

    Thanks for your blog, there's real insane things. I discovered many bands thanks to you !

    Do you know where I could find the Siver's demo ?

  5. @DeusExuro:

    Thanks for your comment! Hmm, I'm not 100% sure what you mean, this is their only demo as far as I know. If you mean you want to find an original copy, then I have to say I've no idea. With luck from eBay or so I guess.

  6. Okay... I'll try on eBay or Priceminister ! I really love the atmosphere of the band...
    I saw that you've add it on Discogs but no one sells it. I hope to have the original copy one day...!
    Thanks for your answer !

  7. @DeusExuro:

    I wish you good luck finding it! Yeah I had completely forgotten I'd added it to Discogs, so it might be useful to keep an eye there too.

    If you ever obtain a copy, please let me know if that one also has the fault on the 3rd track!

  8. Okay, I'll keep you informed !
    By the way, you sell some tapes ? Your collection is really awesome...
    I would have nominated trade, but I have not yet an extensive collection.

  9. @DeusExuro:

    Sorry, but at least not at the moment getting rid of my tapes!
