Landfill (us) - Confined Inner Beauty demo 1993
1) Idle Bleeding (Intro)
2) Slough of Desolate Haze
3) Confined Inner Beauty
4) Same Mind (By Doom)
5) Digging Yourself to Death
6) Devoid
7) Injected Serenity
Something different now, industrial death metal from the States, Landfill has released two demos and two albums. Their mid-career label, the notorious Wild Rags, was supposed to release also a split with Amon Hen but this didn't happen. This item here is the second demo, also released by Wild Rags, which I got from a tape trader of mine in the 90's. Without cover, so a Metal Archives image once again. At least this time it's bearable.
The demo contains almost half an hour of industrial/death metal hybrid moving in mid and slower paces. Not bad at all, leaning maybe more to the industrial end of the sound rather than the death metal, the music does manage to bring about feelings of gloom and alienation. Of course it is quite monotonous at times and some of the parts are not that great, I grow weary of the samples pretty soon, especially on the intro, and the vocals might have a little more variety to them, though I guess the lack of is intentional here. Good sound and as the dub was ok quality and not too advanced generation the rip came out nice. There's some minor tape hissing but if you're a seasoned veteran of this blog you probably expect it to have some. Adds to the listening experience, more authentic cassette feeling etc. Recommended to the more open-minded readers/listeners, not so much to the hardcore death metallers.
10 kommenttia:
hi there,
sorry for this off-topic comment in this post, but i can't seem to find a direct contact to you. i'm looking for the first demo tape of darkstyle "return to the shadow". is there any possibility for you to load that one up? i had the tape back in the old days, but it got damaged while moving with a couple of other tapes. i've found most of them on the net again, but this one is simply impossible to find as of yet.
thanks a lot for a short reply.
Hi there, don't worry about off-topic, this is by choice the only way to communicate as I've seen what shoutboxes are and don't want my email full.
To your question: yes I have that demo. I just don't know where. It's dubbed on a tape somewhere, I'll just need some luck to find it. I recently found the tape with "Cold Charisma" but that one you don't need.
Actually I talked with Weno at Hammer Open Air in June and he promised to send me copies of the old demos, I'd just forgotten about it. I think I'll need to get in touch with him. So hopefully I'll be able to help you with this soon.
sounds good, thanks a lot =)
i used to do the skogen magazine/fanzine from 1993 to 1996, 3 issues came out with lots of interviews with mainly scandinavian black metal bands (darkstyle are only featured with an extensive review/article though). i hope i get the time later this year to scan the three issues. you could put that on asmodian coven then, if you're interested. i think skogen mag would fit well with the other content.
Thanx for Landfill, good music, some like Pitch Shifter from early days but more death metal.
@Raf: Thanks for the comment mate, and I agree it's quite similar to old Pitch Shifter! I'd forgotten that band almost completely!
@Posao: I remember Skogen 'zine, I have/had one of your issues #2 or #3! I remember it was a thick zine with loads of stuff. If you scan them I'd be very happy to post them - people enjoy scans of old fanzines! Didn't you have a band project too?
it was really a pretty loaded magazine, it's not for nothing each issue took me almost a year to fullfill ;-)
i had a very short-lived project called "poles apart", black metal with a touch of classical music to it, all created on keyboards including guitars & drums. I released one demo called "benevolence", which i unfortunately can't find anymore. but since i was moving a couple of times over the last 5 years, i suppose it's in a box somewhere in my current cellar, at least i really hope so. the "biggest" thing that i did musically was to contribute two tracks to the behemoth debut "sventevith" (under my pseudonym then "demonious") in 1994, the cheesy "ancient" and the rather cool "hell dwells in ice"..
Good material! Remind me early Pitch Shifter, Dead World, Candiru. Do you opportunity to upload Dead World's self-titled single edited in 1993?
I don't think I have the 1993 Dead World single... but I'm sure I've seen it somewhere. I'll leave a note if I come across it!
You can't find Dead World self-titled single?
Sorry but no, haven't found it and none of my contacts seem to have it either.
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