Dungeon (ita) - Bleeding Cross demo 1993
1) Intro - Holocaust
2) Witches Pyramid
3) Thunderous Call from the Bowels of the Earth
4) Welcome to Hell (Venom cover)
5) Total Infernal Chaos
Links expired. - Get it here!
Here's an item that has also been sitting on my desktop for a while. I had ripped this and was quite pleased with the result when I found out brother Malignancy had released the demo (with bonus material) on cdr! After I ordered my copy from him I must say the disc is obviously superior to the rip of the who-knows-what generation dub I had, but I still decided to upload the rip here to promote Dungeon who are criminally unknown and active again (an album is coming out in the near future!). If you like this demo, you MUST contact Malignancy & order the cdr from him!
Dungeon, who split up due differences in 1993 with some of the members forming Brisen play on this demo ripping old school yet still 2nd wave black metal, raw and great. A definite must-hear and hopefully must-buy for people into old black metal. Very recommended!