Dies Irae (nor) - Circle of Leth demo 1994
1) Andante passione attacca: Allegretto con vivacita - Allegro
2) Molto Presto - Intermezzo tranquillamente con dolore - attacca: Cantus con affizione
3) Andante maestoso attacca: Molto Presto forza - Quasi moderato grave - Molto Presto forza
4) Allegro con moto - Molto Presto - Largo passione - Allegro con vivacita - Lento passione
5) Finale tranquillamente: Cantus pro defunctis
As you might guess from the catchy track titles listed above, here's something quite different: the only demo of the avantgarde/experimental/neoclassical/post-black metal (or just come up with your own description!) band/project Dies Irae fra Norge. This sounds so unique there's no danger of mixing them up with the other dozen or so Dies Iraes. I got my copy dubbed from the band, I don't remember anymore where I came across their address - most likely a 'zine. Anyways, I got a copy of the cover sheet too, scans of which are enclosed. It's a two-sided fold-out thingy. See below for the inside bit.

The music is based on classical stuff with (black) metal parts thrown in. Heavily echoing vocal recites unintelligible (well, for me) lyrics in the more metal tracks (the middle ones). The last track is an outro-type piece which really overstays its welcome at almost 13 minutes of mostly tolling bells. Other than that it's quite good and definitely a very interesting demo. I know there are other rips around but as I ripped this to my own use I thought I might as well upload it too.
Grab it if you're into symphonic black metal, post-/avantgarde/experimental/progressive/whatever "black" metal or just very very curious.
14 kommenttia:
I used to write to this guy quite a bit around '93/'94. I think his name was "Jonny Willets" or something like that. He did a zine called Ornament (only 1 issue) and ran a little distro that carried some of the rarest and most obscure stuff coming out of the Norwegian scene at the time. I remember that he was a really nice guy and seemed like one of the more intelligent scene members back then. The pre-Dies Irae demo from Cruciamentum was quite good as well.
I have the Ornament 'zine too, too bad it was only one issue - it was quite interesting and there were many unusual bands covered. Hmm, I think I've downloaded the Cruciamentum demo some time ago, better see my unsorted files if I can find it.
Thanks Velkaarn for this rip.
Great obscure demo, what I'm looking for!
Thank you for this share - quite weird staff. Somehow it fits perfectly for hangover Sunday mo(u)rnings...
Velkaarn - I read in your comment that you have Ornament zine in your possession. Uhhh - this sends shivers down my spine. I have been searching for this zine for a long, long time and have practically abandoned all hope. Is there any chance you could scan that one? That would be AWESOME!!! I keep praying for your positive answer ))) Thank you in advance. Cheers.
Funny that you mention it, I'm planning to scan that next and actually have been keeping it in my bag to do that when I've time. I'll see if I get to scan it on Sunday night and probably upload next week. So consider your prayer answered. ;)
Velkaarn - uhhh, this is very exciting news! I am shaking with trepidation already. Good luck with scanning. My prayers are with you.
I'm sure it's unlikely you would know this, but do you have any idea if the address listed on the scan is still their address?
I highly doubt it, after all it's been 20 years. Then again, some people do live in the same place for even longer periods of time. Though this is usually at older age I assume.
Of course you could always give it a shot, at least it looks like a normal street address but since there's no apartment number or code it's probably a house, maybe the parents'?
Velkaarn, could you please reupload this demo? Found it on YouTube and realized it's a bizarre yet beautiful demo.
Sure, no problem. A bit strange I haven't done so earlier, actually. Do you have the "pre-Dies Irae" Cruciamentum demo we discuss in the comments above?
Thanks for the reupload. I don't have the Cruciamentum demo on me, and a quick Google search found no living download links for someone else's rip of the demo. A NWN user does seem to confirm that a re-release of the Cruciamentum material is in the works. http://www.nwnprod.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1068333&sid=0c171329aee5234e36946df8a850752d
You're welcome and I do have a rip of the Cruciamentum demo, don't remember right now from whence I picked it up, just wondered if you had heard that one? It's pretty good, though not as original as this is. Not one I thought would be re-released, to be honest but why not?
Ah, I misinterpreted your post, my mistake. I haven't heard the Cruciamentum demo, but if it's similar to this demo it'd interest me.
The more exciting upcoming re-releases in the realm of 90's synth demos are the re-releases of Depressive Silence's 1996 demo and their material off the Mightiest split.
Depressive Silence re-releases? That's good news, don't think I'd heard of that before.
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