Svartsyn (Norge) - Aandens Melankoli MLP 1996
1) Forhekset av Nordlyset / Den monumentale Horde
2) Mektighetens herskere
Discontinued as obsolete!
I hesitated to upload this one for quite long, even though I promised to get it done already in September (sorry Megaborea!). At least I had a semi-decent reason for it: I don't have this on vinyl, only a dub from a trader I got without tracklisting back in 9-something and I was very uncertain how the presumed three tracks were supposed to be on what appears to be only two tracks! I was first thinking the (much!) longer second track was supposed to be two, changing to one somewhere on the go but then I read the review of the original vinyl and apparently it's just brief intro and two mammoth songs. I also remembered I had the Incitatus demo which features an early version of "Den monumentale horde" which helped me to determine the first track's proper is that very song. I think my tape seemed to have all of the mini-album there so I'm guessing the "Forhekset av nordlyset" - bit is just a very short part at the beginning. It'd be great if someone could verify this!
It'd be also great if someone would present me with a rip of the vinyl itself. Like I mentioned this here is a rip of an unknown generation dub of the album. However, it's still quite decent quality and it's not like we had much alternatives is it? So until that happy day we are stuck with this one. Music on this is atmospheric, slow, at times even oppressive mixture of Norwegian black metal and funereal death/doom. It's pretty awesome. Shame they didn't release anything else, of course comparing to several other Norwegian bands and musicians it is a good thing someone knows when to quit their band. Recommended both for gloomy doom fanatics (not traditionalists though) and morbid black metal personnel who enjoy the slow stuff.
12 kommenttia:
Oh man, thanks so much for posting this! Great to finally hear this after all these years. These guys (or the Norwegian postal service) ripped me off when I ordered it way back in '96, so now my evil revenge is complete! ;-)
The only other Norwegian band who was at all like this back then (at least that I can think of right now) was Souls Domain, but they were more death metal. I think that was the same guy from Grimlock/Tartaros... Anyway, the doom/black hybrid was not so common in those days, so these guys were quite interesting.
It sucks that my own collection is mostly gone now, as I had a lot of stuff that doesn't seem to be online, but hopefully I can come up with something to contribute here at some point in thanks for this.
Glad to be of service. ;) I just wish I knew for sure this is complete and I'd really prefer to find a vinyl dub. Well it is still better than nothing! You're right, Norge didn't have many bands doing black/doom hybrid, not too many doom bands either!
I can't download from megaupload and this means shit luck. Please give a mediafire mirror for every post.
Hmm, Megaupload link seems to work fine on my end!
Anyway, speaking of Norway doom, it's true that it wasn't the biggest scene. I never cared too much for Funeral either, myself. However, Black Lodge are kind of a cult classic, in my opinion. But, listening to this stuff made me think of another really obscure thing I had in my collection way back when. It was the Urd Verdaide og Skuld demo, from '93 I think. This was what some of the the Kvist/Urgehal/Dim Nagel guys were doing before they got swept up into the black metal wave. I remember it being more of a traditional doom sound, but kind of aimless and meandering, with these really cheap-sounding keyboards, almost like a Casio or something. I think these guys were very young at the time (like early teens), so that might explain it. You'd definitely get that impression if you read the "Nordic Arian Elite" 'zine that one or two of them were also involved in. Laugh-out-loud funny in a "so bad it's good" way, if you know what I mean. Like early issues of Nordic Visions, but done by a deranged 12 year old! LOL
Anyway, I'm making a list of all the stuff I can think of that I used to have that doesn't seem to be online yet (including a surprising amount of stuff that doesn't even seem to have made it onto MA), and getting back in touch with some of my old friends to see if I can re-acquire some of it, so hopefully I'll have something good to share in the not so distant future.
Thanks again, Velkaarn!
That's too bad but I'm supporting & using primarily Megaupload, it works so much better than Mediafire. However, here's this MLP in MF:
Where should I start? This is the exact spot from which hundreds of pseudo-black/doom things take up their ways. I believe demos like this are the very true pioneers of the genre. Well-gained power riffs go well with high-pitched screams. Perfect art created in 1996.
Can't thank you enough for bringing up this long buried gem.
The second track at 10:10 the vile appears on vocal.
Yeah, it's great stuff, I just wish I could be certain I have it all!
Yes I'm aware of the Urd Verdaide og Skuld demo and have been wanting to hear that one for long. I admit it is due the Kvist connection, even if your description of it is not exactly flattering! :D I've also wanted to read the 'zine, the name was interesting to say the least and I believe the content would be entertaining!
It would be great if you would be able to dig up some old treasure, keep me posted!
Velkaarn - I have the original "Aandens Melankoli" vinyl in my collection. I can confirm that your dub is incomplete. What is missing is the untitled instrumental (quite beautiful and melancholic) outro. I do not have the possibilty to make an mp3 copy, but I can dub the whole MLP on a tape and mail it to you, if you are interested. Let me know.
Thanks for the info, I was afraid it might be so! Yes, I would very much like a complete dub of it. Please send me an email to the address on the blog and we'll discuss more.
e-mail has been sent.
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