Gorplough - In Valle Tenebrarum demo 1996
1) Cruces Blancas
2) Señor de los Sueños
3) El Horizonte de los Sentidos
4) Los Hongos del Placer
I'm back again and here's an item I ripped quite a long time ago, it's been lying on my desktop so I decided to start with it. Spanish black/doom/death/whatever hybrid here, as far as I know their only recording, dubbed by a tape trader back in the 90's. He did not send me a cover so I'm using the image from M.A. which looks strangely like a CD cover, was this released on tape or CD(r) or both? I've very little info on the band myself... I must note my trader comrade wrote this to be a 1996 release while M.A. says 1995. I'm sticking with my comrade's description until proven wrong.
Four songs of gloomy and heavy black/doom hybrid which has an old school vibe to it, making me compare it to bands like Mortuary Drape, Opera IX, Countess, Barathrum, Nebiros (col), Xantotol, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, old Necromantia et cetera. Old school southern black metal spirit is strongly present without being a carbon copy of anyone in particular. There's some synth included, but it is used quite tastefully and adds to the atmosphere. The main vocal is a raw half-scream, but other styles pop up time to time. Notable example is the retard chorus on second (or was it third?) track! All lyrics are in Spanish, which sounds cool with this style. A good demo, give it a try.
4 kommenttia:
Sorry, buddy. I'm too late to read your warning that the topic does not added on other sites without your permission, and designed Gorplough demo on metalarea.org. Sorry.
I will continue closely.
/Abigor from MA.org/
Well, thanks for letting me know afterwards at least, that's much better than nothing. Hope you enjoyed the demo.
My question is: why you did not added themes to metalarea.org? Enough to append to a archive file your nickname "Velkaarn" - and you can be issued subject to the New Releases.
/Abigor from MA.org/
I'm not a big fan of forums.
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