Aurora Borealis (den) - Childhood Memories demo 1996
1) Ethereal Goddess
2) Danzing Summer
3) Black Tears
4) Childhood Memories
Another case from the shared band name files, though these guys changed their name to "Aurora" soon after releasing this demo. Also the first item from Denmark I post here. Melodic death metal, almost death/doomy but in general moves in the faster mid-tempo. My dub is from a trader who might have had an original copy or at least early generation dub, judging from the quality which is good. No cover so a Metal Archives image used.
So it has a good sound and production and is far from brutal and/or raw, screamy main vocal, is melodic and Scandinavian. All described so far are one man's pros and the other's cons and the very un-death metal demo title probably further divides the reader base. However, I find this very listenable and am not noted to be a big fan of the NWoSDM-sound so I suppose you can try this out even if you hate In Flames and Dark Tranquillity with passion... odds are you won't like this either, but you can still give it a try. Recommended for fans of the genre and some listeners of (melodic) death/doom might enjoy it as well.
3 kommenttia:
Hey Velkaarn. Thanks for all the awesome posts. I also have a dub of this one, and I also like it, as well as their 2 first albums (especially Devotion, though I haven't listened to it in years). It's true that it's melodic death metal, but I think doom metal fans could find this appealing, as you said. Not a big fan of melodic death metal here, though I have to admit that when bands started playing melodic death metal, at the beginning it felt like a breath of fresh air in the saturated death metal scene of 1993-1996. However, with the big explosion of the genre, it ended becoming kind of annoying. Even worse when deathcore bands started showing up, adding melody to those boring breaks, and making everything repulsive. Anyway, I think this band is quite entertaining.
Hails & thanks for your comment! I haven't heard their album material, but I should probably check out those two albums you mention. I'll trust your taste there.
Seeing your comment reminds me I got a cover scan of the Kaamos demo from Grev, I'll upload it once I get back from work!
Awesome. Words fail me to thank you properly Velkaarn!
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