Grand Belial's Key - Live at Hartley's Bar, North Arlington NJ 28th October 2000
1) Shemhamforash
2) In Rapture By The Fenrir Moon
3) Foul Parody Of The Lord's Supper
4) Reflections Of The Coffin Lid
5) Sumerian Fairytale
6) Demonarchy
7) Goat Of A Thousand Young
8) The Holocaust Trumpeter
Reuploaded with The Deceased's rip (full version)
Here's another live tape and one I should've done long ago... (sorry John!) and another one which is not my rip but a fixed one of a rip I got from the inter nets a few (several) years ago. This one, however, has the tracklisting and dividing of tracks fixed as the original one was sort of fucked up with songs ending halfway and whatnot, probably divided by the lengths of the album/studio versions. So, thank whoever it was who originally ripped and uploaded this gig somewhere (probably Soulseek) years ago.
This is the GBK most of you probably know (as opposed to my other GBK lives which were from the Pussyferian age), with Crucifier's Cazz Grant aka The Black Lourde of Crucifixion on vox (ok quite a few of you probably listened to late Wotansvolk's era GBK too). As expected, it has both "Mocking..." and old tracks on it. Neither of the "Tricifixion..." EP tracks yet, though. Sound quality is an ok audience recording, I'm not complaining. Alas, there are some minor flaws and "Sumerian Fairytale" cuts and "Demonarcy" is not complete either, so I suppose the person recording this had a human failure (had to take a leak or something) or something else went wrong. I don't know if it misses actual tracks in between or just parts of those. Let me know if you were there. Other than that little issue, this is an enjoyable recording if you're into this period of GBK. Recommendable, unless the missing bit drives you insane.
UPDATE: Date and venue corrected according to the info provided on comrade The Deceased's rip here. Which you should get as it's not missing the bit between 5 & 6!
UPDATE II: Since Lockjaw is no longer active and neither are the links I've reuploaded The Deceased's complete version of the show here.
6 kommenttia:
Ha, this is interesting... I also have a live recording from the same time, but mine is titled "Live North Arlington, New Jersey 28.10.2000" (8 days later and somewhere else?!?) - I have to compare this one to my livetape and see if it's the same or not. Perhaps one of the dates was mis-spelled / mixed up, or they're really two different gigs!
If it really is a different show, I'll try to post this the next time on Lockjaw.
Btw, I did a quick google search, and there really exists an Arlington in Texas AND a North Arlington in New Jersey - haha!!
Hmm, by all means check out your recording - it will also (probably) confirm how much of the show is missing between 5 & 6! Unless it is exactly same recording, obviously. Preferable scenario is that it is indeed a different (and full!) show from NJ's North Arlington.
Since the original rip I fixed was dug up from Soulseek or something like that I can't swear the date/venue here are correct... at least it's not a matter of interpreting crappy handwriting which has actually prevented me from posting some items as I can't make a satifying guess what the title should be!
Velkaarn, I checked my recording, and it's in fact the same - with the difference that mine is complete, the end of "Sumerian Faerytale" and the beginning of "Demonarchy" are there, a total time of ca. 42 minutes. I'll post it the next days on lockjaw.
Questionable in this case still is the correct date and location, though!
If you're interested, I also found a GBK-rehearsal here which is from '98. Soundquality really isn't the hottest if I remember right (I think dubbed from a VHS-tape?!?), but nevertheless dating from (also) my favourite GBK-lineup, therefore interesting. Let me know!
Thanks for checking up bro, I'm pleased to get a complete recording of it! Now we just need to find out which one is the right date & venue!
Of course I'm interested in the GBK rehearsal, you might've noticed my fascination with rehearsal tapes. ;) Thanks in advance!
Velkaarn, check my GBK-post on lockjaw, someone commented with interesting infos!
Ok I'll have a look, thanks for notifying me!
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