Ravenstorm - Demo I 1997
1) Night
2) Hatred Is a Memory Made
3) Of Dust and Stone
More contributions from the near-endless vaults of brother Grev, this is an item I got already last year but it took me a little while to get around posting it. Mostly due difficulty in figuring out how the tracklisting should come out as it lists three tracks yet it has just two distinct ones, the clear enough "Night" and a 8+ mins one which I presume divides into two parts. I picked up a spot where I assumed it changed over and went with that. If I'm incorrect feel free to let me know. Since brother Grev didn't have an original copy either we have no cover to check, maybe it's really supposed to be just two tracks with the latter being a long one titled "Hatred Is a Memory Made of Dust and Stone" which would actually make sense. If this proves out to be the case, I do have it as one track too so it'd be easy to correct. Yeah, so if you got an original copy please get in touch!
Like I mention above, we had no covers for this nor was I able to find a Ravenstorm image so I scanned and used what I found, namely the anti-Ravenstorm flyer seen above. The band was quite controversial in the Finnish scene after appearing on the youth program "Jyrki" where they gave an interesting interview and played one song. I'm not going to focus on their notoriety any further, let's get to the music for now shall we? Melodic/symphonic black metal with a quite good sound it's certainly typical to its time. "Night" is a fast piece with synths and some female vocals thrown in, "Hatred..." starts fast before slowing to a very pleasant atmospheric part which I genuinely enjoy. It gets then faster and adds vocals. "Of Dust..." starts with a synth bit (or the same track continues if the "just two tracks" theory is correct) and continues in brisk midtempo. I haven't heard their material recorded as Wayreth (yet, Grev has their demo) so no comparisons. The dub has some wear to it which might annoy the most sensitive listeners but that can't be helped. Not much so don't panic. If you enjoy symphonic black metal you'll want to give this a listen.
4 kommenttia:
This is great stuff.
Thanks for the comment, glad you liked it. I'll ask Grev for the Wayreth demo some time this fall. :)
Nice post, thanks! I actually remember talking to these guys around the same time the demo got released. They were supposed to play a gig, but I don't quote remember whether they actually managed to play due to hostile atmosphere of the crowd. I do remember somebody slashed the tires of their van, though. Memories :)
Thanks for the comment, and yeah, I think someone said they had to abort the gig. Well, they at least succeeded in getting the crowd respond. :)
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