Thy Serpent - Frozen Memory demo I 1994
1) Intro
2) Unknown
3) Frozen Memory
4) The Sky Is Falling
5) Just A Shadow In The Darkness
I understand this debut demo by Thy Serpent is hardly a rare or uncommon item, but since I recently ripped my tape for listening I decided I might just as well go ahead and upload it too. I'll probably upload demo II later as well. Unless Sami decides to release them on a CD after all ("Lords of Twilight" had re-recorded versions of several demo songs).
It's been a long time from my last listen to this demo and I was surprised to hear it sounded better than in my memories. Dark metal as Sami was keen on calling the music (no Satanic themes) which borrows heavily from the 2nd wave Scandinavian sound... well it is (latter) 2nd wave Nordic bm after all. Sami was also influenced by other bands than our Norwegian friends, like the Czech gods Root. I ordered my copy directly from Sami in 1994 after seeing the name pop up in some flyers and distro lists. It was also among the first demos I ordered directly from the bands. Enough nostalgia, download already.
3 kommenttia:
Jotain häikkää ollut Mediafiren kanssa ainakin tänään, lataukset näyttää aina keskeytyvän, eikä koko tiedosto halua millään tulla koneelle. Nytkin yritin jotain 6 kertaa ja aina jäi enemmän tai vähemmän tiedostosta puuttumaan... Eli oliskohan vaikka Megaupload-linkki mahdollinen? Uskon että tämä rippaus on parempilaatuinen kuin se tuhnu mikä iteltä löytyy... Hieno bändi kyllä, toivottavasti sitä lupailtua uutta matskua saavat joskus ulos.
Link is dead: December 2016
Yeah, been for longer and I've been slow to reup as SW was supposed to release the Thy Serpent demos some time (years?) ago but as that doesn't seem to happen I've resurrected this.
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