Master's Hammer - Rehearsal 1993 (actually 1992)
1) Instrumental Jam
2) Já nechci mnoho trápiti...
3) Kol prostírá se temný les...
4) Ten dvanácterák zmizel v houští...
5) Mezi kopci cesta je klikatá... (1st version)
6) Mezi kopci cesta je klikatá... (2nd version)
7) Mezi kopci cesta je klikatá... (3rd version)
8) Že vše je podle mého přání... (1st version)
9) Že vše je podle mého přání... (2nd version)
Here's one of my own rips for change and one of my favourite bands, the Czech cult band Master's Hammer which I hope is familiar to most of my readers. If not, go and listen to their first two albums immediately. Then the demos & new album. Ok, this thing here is a rehearsal tape I got from one of my traders, titled rehearsal 1993 and without a tracklisting. However as you noticed already I figured them out and I believe this to be rehearsal session(s?) for the 2nd album, in which case it'd be 1992 really. Not sure though so I kept it labeled as I got it. I know there is a rehearsal tape called "Hash-Influenced" dated for 1992 which I for some bizarre reason never had dubbed which might or might not be this same recording. If you have that tape get in touch with me right now.
As you've probably figured out, I'm a big MH-fan so anything I write will not be neutral. I'd be likely to listen to an hour of Franta practising a single riff. Keeping that in mind, I'll start by saying this has mostly an excellent rehearsal sound, demo quality easily. The first track might be a bit off a turn off for many as it really is, like it titled it, an instrumental jam. At least I could not identify it as any of the actual songs. The rest of the material are "proper" tracks but tend to sound quite different from the album versions, obviously. Vocals and most of the instruments are present. There are several takes of two of the tracks and all sound quite different. Might not be to everyone's taste, even fellow Master's Hammer fanboys', yet I still recommend it as it is an interesting listen even if things occasionally get a bit out of hand and some elements are missing/different.
8 kommenttia:
Thanks for the upload, I didn't have this material yet. I however happen to have "Hash Influenced" which is in fact the first instrumental track on this tape you just posted. When I got it many years ago the year contributed to it was 1992, so your assumption seems correct that this rehearsal is indeed from '92.
Thanks for the comments!
So "Hash..." is only the first 7½ minutes jam part here? Good to know, I may rest easy then. Yes, I'll update the description to 1992 which I was pretty certain of in the first place.
Would you copy me this tape ? I have lots of polish metal demos for trade. Please, write me email at serq.sero@gmail.com or patryk.seregiet@gmail.com
I would but I can't. I don't do tape trading anymore and I don't have a working double cassette deck so I'm unable to dub anything. Not going to buy one either unless the deck I use for ripping breaks. Sorry.
Maybe you know someone who has double deck ? Damn, what a shame :(
I have that "Hash influenced" rehearsal from when I did tape-trading. It has one song only...triumph ov death /at/ gmail
I have the Hash influenced reh. It has one song
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