Absu - Live at the Baroeg, Rotterdam Holland 5th April 1997
1) Apzu
2) Highland Tyrant Attack
3) Swords and Leather
4) The Winter Zephyr (...Within Kingdoms of Mist)
5) Morbid Scream (Morbid Scream cover)
6) Fantasizing to the Third of the Pagan Vision / ...of Celtic Fire, We Are Born / Terminus (...in the Eyes of Ioldánach)
7) The Coming of War (Morbid Scream cover)
8) Drum Solo
9) The Gold Torques of Uláid
10) ...and Shineth Unto the Cold Cometh...
I could not resist uploading this tape today, especially since I'm going to go see some live music later. As I'm going to see a local thrash band, Unhoped, an Absu live show from 1997 fits quite well. By this time their mythological occult metal was dominated by thrash influences and (unfortunately in my opinion) the lyrical focus on the then current, very good, album "The Third of Cythraul" had shifted more into Celtic (and Scottish) realms of their heritage.
This is a tape traded item and an audience recording again, unfortunately not complete as the it starts with the first track "Apzu" already blasting ahead. Don't know if it's missing anything else except the first minutes of the track, probably an intro of some sort. Let me know if you happen to know better. Overall sound is ok for this sort of an recording. Some dickwad talking is inevitable but of the music everything can be heard decently enough. There's a bit of an pause between tracks 2 and 3, don't know if the person had to take a break for some reason and whether something is missing from there. Setlist is pretty good for the time, though I'd like more Absu instead of playing both Morbid Scream covers. Not sure of the live line-up of the time, I'll wager it was Mezzadurus of Blood Storm and the core trio. Proscriptor does some of the vocals which has always amazed me, considering the drums in Absu tracks. I'm not going to write more, I need to hurry to grab some beer, a good live show for fans of Absu and/or black/thrash metal!
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