Fulgor - To Be One with the Stars... demo 1993
1) When the Wind Chimes
2) Below the Moon
3) A Castle of Solitude (Part I)
4) A Landscape Is Changing His Face (Face I - IV)
5) Retrospective View
6) World Beyond the Mirrors
7) Lous Ylenol A Fo Noitcelfer
8) The Dream of My Empire
9) A Castle of Solitude (Part II)
10) Profanus Fulgor...
11) Conclusion
As promised, the German days continue. Here's an item I got from Okkultis, thanks for the link! However, I had another rip of this which I've now up here instead as I find the overall better sound of it at the expense of the slightly messed up intro preferable to the lower quality and annoying noise present in the other one. Still, the effort was much appreciated. There was no cover image so I've used M.A. entry for it. If you have a scan of the whole cover, let me know. Demo archives had an image, which isn't very good either, and it appears to be the whole cover? Or is it? I borrowed a part of it, the tracklisting, which you see below:

Back to the point, Fulgor was the other band of Baxaxaxa/Ungod's former member A.B.G.I. aka Ancient Blasphemic Grave Invocator and released a couple of tapes and an EP in 1993 - 95. Music is black metal with keyboards and atmospheric elements & interludes. The sound is a little rough but good enough and there's no tape failures apart from the intro, which is regrettable but not really a major issue. If it is to someone, I can upload the intro from the other rip I have. Actual songs here are quite long, between 5+ and 9+ mins and differ quite a bit from Ungod's more direct approach. Maybe not a classic, but an interesting demo with mystical atmosphere.
Note: I originally uploaded the version provided by O here but after listening to both versions in row I opted to go with the version I had received earlier and remove the other one. Of course if someone has a flawless version, it'd be very welcome.
14 kommenttia:
I still think that of all the Fulgor demos this one is the best. It was, back in the day, rather rare for such a fuckin' long demo (45mins). All Fulgor stuff rules though, and I should really get them out of storage one day...
Thanks for your comment. Yeah, it's a cool demo and quite original in parts. If you have the rest of the Fulgor tapes in your storage, then start digging! 10 Uphar Visions, EP & Promo/rehearsal needed! ;)
Yea, I have 'em all (though I'm not 100% sure about the reh/demo?), and much like yourself, a lot of other stuff from the tape trading days. It's quite likely that you can still purchase the "Eyequinox" EP - I slummed it to eGay and managed to get myself a brand new copy - only 15 years of searching haha
Inspired by your comment, I've also done some searching and noticed the EP is relatively easy to find. I'm getting a copy soon. Too bad I don't have a vinyl player, so I'd still like to have a rip of it. Or a vinyl player, but it's more likely to be contributed mp3's than those.
If you ever dig into your tapes & find the missing Fulgor tapes, let me know ok?
Yea man, definitely. I even have Lacerated Gods and Equitant too. Memory serves I probably have around 2000 cassette tapes, mostly old demos from the early 1990's, and a few years worth of fanatical tape trading. I really miss those days...
Oh hell that amount of tapes is not easy to store and especially look through. Well, if you get bored on your summer holiday...
Tape trading was great, even if it took shitloads of time. Going through the lists and wondering if this rehearsal is the one you already have or not, hoping the tapes don't get crushed in the mail and especially waiting for something exciting to arrive. Yeah, those were the days! I presume you traded live shows too?
Yea, I have some cool lives as well, stuff that I haven't seen anywhere else - Bestial Warlust, Satanic Slaughter and others and even stuff like Raison D'Etre, Archon Satani... Memory serves I even have an Abyssic Hate 4 track (instrumental) rehearsal too... Looking through other people's lists was always awesome, especially when stuff like "Black Metal" could fit on a single page (and in saying that, I even recall an old Osmose catalogue where the BM stock was only about half a page!). I used to hate waiting for new stuff, even though at one point I was doing so much stuff that I was getting like 2 or 3 90min tapes a day! I do regret not getting some video stuff though - there's a decent recording of the 3 Emperor shows in the UK with Mortiis still on bass (eg the one which Euronymous called him during) that I'm still searching for. I don't believe in giving up though - because even now I'm still getting stuff that I was looking for back in the early 1990's, when you'd send your cash away to distro's in far off lands, and hope that you'd actually get what you asked for...
Hey Velkaarn, I can help you with Fulgor's ep. I have it, and also have a vinyl player. I'll rip it during the week. Sorry I can't do it right now, I've been pretty busy lately. I'll let you know when it is ready for download. Thanks again for all the awesome posts. Love your blog.
That's excellent news, thanks in advance and take your time, no hurry! You wouldn't happen to have the Frozen Souls "The Gate of Fsab" EP too? Been looking for their stuff for so long it can't be good! ;)
Yeah browsing the lists was half the fun, even though you had to make hard choices! Distro/label lists however were easier than nowadays since there was less stuff and half of the time when you ordered something you had to be happy if you got one of the optional items you listed - just as often it was something completely random! Be sure to let me know if you get around to your tapes some day, seems like you've real killer stuff there!
Hey Velkaarn: I'd love to have that ep, but unfortunately, I don't have it in any format. I'm ripping the ep now, so I'll try to have the link for tomorrow or Wednesday.
Excellent, thanks in advance! Yeah, Frozen Souls stuff is very hard to find. I wonder if THE DECEASED would have any, seeing how much he has German bm.
Hey Velkaarn,
Sorry for making you wait. I finally posted it in yappy's blog. It'd be great if The Deceased has Frozen Souls' ep. Let's wait. It'll show up.
BTW, two days after I told you I ripped the ep, I sat in my pc to separate the tracks and upload it and realized I hadn't plugged the record player to the computer! Sorry for the long wait, but at least now it is up!
Excellent news, thanks, I'll go check it out next!
Heh not plugging the player in definitely affects the results! No worries, there was no hurry like said.
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