Thromdarr - As A Wind Cries demo 1992
1) Intro: Dawn of the Samhain
2) Dragonmyrmidon
3) Nocturnal Inner Torment
4) Outro: Prologue of Satan
MediaFire Cover scan & other stuff here!
Enough Germans for now, here's a Finnish demo for change. Remember Thromdarr whose 1995 demo I posted earlier? Well, here's their debut demo released in 1992 which I recently got from J. I could have sworn I have a dub of this somewhere, but it's been very search-resistant so I ripped his dub and scanned the (xeroxed) covers he had. Thromdarr are active again these days, with an album "Electic Hellfire" out soon so keep an eye for that. If name-dropping is your thing, I'll mention the current line-up features members of Skepticism and leave it at that.
So what's this like then? This is the "normal" version of the demo with vocals, an intro, outro and two proper tracks in between. An earlier version with no vox and 5 tracks apparently exists. If you have it, gimme. The music is described as "power black metal" on the cover and in this case means deathly black metal, old school way. Brutal voice and heavy guitars, some keys used on the third track. More direct and in your face than the 1995 demo. The sound is good enough and so is the rip. Recommended if you enjoy old style Finnish black/death like Curse, Barathrum, Beherit and so on.
UPDATE: I've been contacted by Mika from Thromdarr who has kindly promised to supply me with the demos I'm missing, excellent! So look forward to those, meanwhile if you wish to hear more recent material, you can listen to their promo 2008 at Last.fm.
UPDATE II: Mika found & scanned the demo covers, a flyer and a bio sheet for me! I packed them & uploaded to Mediafire, link added up there.
The new album can be pre-ordered from Levykauppa Äx.
5 kommenttia:
According to MA they played black metal back in 1989!
Great release Velkaarn. Keep them coming. I mean oldies.
Yeah they're old school, but I think in 1989 they still played death metal really. I'm in touch with Mika from the band who promised to send me some of their demos I'm missing. He also sent a bunch of old pics, in a 1990 one they were wearing warpaint.
I want their photos please! Is he the same Mika(miika) who used to play in Raven (pre-SOD)? I remember once you released A promo of Raven! That night, a friend called and it went like: hey, listen! you won't believe it! At last I found Raven!
That night I listened to the real sound behind what a thousand call true funeral sound. No, it was Raven who did it more sophisticated. I like Shape Of Despair, but Raven has more meaning to deliver.
Alright, If you are in touch with Azhemin, tell him my greetings and that there is one who worships their noble thoughts.
No, these are other, older guys. Connections to doom though, Skepticism to be exact! I'll need to ask M about the pics before I do anything with them really!
As for Raven, I'm glad you enjoyed the demo, I guess you checked out the demo too? I have 1-2 rehearsals as well, they're instrumental and without titles but I remember the sound was pretty good.
Check out some old pics in their FB gallery: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=44154&id=174672992553459
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