Christs Nails - Demos 1992-1996 compilation 2001
1) Lost Soul Quest
2) Thou Areth Lord
3) Christs Nails
4) Christians (Whores)
5) Flock
6) Tomb
7) Whore
8) P.N.G. (Persona Non Grata)
9) XXX
10) Lying Dead Bitch
11) Stream of Tears
12) Solitaire (Interlude)
13) The Last Battle
14) All Hate, Hate All
15) Petty King
16) Return to Darkness (Outro)
Here's an item I had ripped already long ago and again kind of forgot it lying around in a folder. This is a 2001 compilation tape which features the demonology of Holland's Christs Nails, another "unusual" Dutch band in the early 90's along with the likes of Apator and Inverted Pentagram. The demos date to 1992 (tracks 1-3), 1995 (tracks 4-7) and 1996 (the rest) and basically all consist of keyboards and voice(s) - on the first demo just piano and the voices and later expanded to keyboards. A cover scan (which contains more info) is enclosed. Ripped from an original tape I got out of curiosity.
Like said, it's keys and voices, comparable to earlier post Son Noir and the third Lamentation demo to do a quick name drop, but the demos vary quite a bit. The 1992 recording with just piano and twisted vocals is quite primitive and manages to sound both vicious and ridiculous, often at the same time. The voices are hoarse black metallish rasps and whispers and at times practically spitting. Lyrics are blatantly Satanic and hateful. The second demo features keyboards and the voice is distorted, not as extreme, spoken sort with occasional whispery and gasping style as well. The later tracks are also much shorter than on the debut effort. The third tape continues pretty much from where the second one left off, with a little more variation in the musickness (their term) and generally better execution. The lyrical focus shifts a bit on the later releases to include more even hate, pornography (an educated guess) and misogynism. Certainly unusual and most definitely not for everyone, explore this if you are morbid-minded yet very curious.
8 kommenttia:
haha, well this is pretty strange. I like the typo at the end of your description, "Certainly unusual and most definitely for everyone..." It really reminds me of the atmosphere of the LLN ambient works, pure improvised black satanic "music." I got to admit though, I don't really have the patience for this sort of thing. It does seem to get a lot more interesting after track 4, though. Even though I don't know that I'll be giving it further listens, thanks for sharing as it's making for an intriguing first listen, at least.
Thanks for the comment and pointing out the glaring typo! Yeah LLN ambient is one of the things this resembles. I too think the first songs overstay their welcome and the whole tape is a bit much to take in.
The link is dead. Could you please re-up the link?
Sure, it is done.
Thank you very much! I love the description on Discogs that these recordings weren't meant for an audience.
You're welcome, "enjoy" the musickness! I wish I'd remember where I read something more accurate on Christs Nails, it was an old 'zine circa '94 or '95 and could've been one I borrowed as I don't seem to come across the article again.
Let me know if you find it. I also just discovered Apator through this post and WOW. Very abstract and drugged out like a BM version of Strangulated Beatoffs. Do you by any chance have any Apator related recordings?
Heh, yeah Apator sure is something else! Sorry, all Apator I have is what I've gotten from others (blogs) in recent years, I didn't have his stuff dubbed back in the day as I was quite sure I'd not like it. I kinda wish I had decided otherwise.
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