Night Conquers Day - Advance studio track 1997
1) Banished From My Eyes
Mediafire / Depositfiles
Today's item is a single track filler-sort of item from tape trading days, a track that would appear on the debut album "The First Snowfall" of the US black metallers Night Conquers Day. I don't know if this is a final version of the song, or if it was even re-recorded for the album as the lenght appears different and I don't have the album myself to make a comparison. Mikael who was the more-or-less mainman of the band was known as an active tape trader as well as from other projects like Into The Sunless Meridian, Shadowcaster and Tearstained. I never wrote with the man myself but I'm sure several of my contacts probably traded with him. I believe this track (and probably others) was just dubbed to some of his contacts, instead of being an official promo or advance of any sort. So, obviously no covers.
So what is it like? It's quite symphonic sort of black metal but not really carbon copy of anything that would spring into my mind right now. However, it has a feel of familiarity if you've listened to the genre and the 90's offerings. The tape was a little worn which may be heard on places but the sound itself is more than sufficient to my tastes and I find this song quite enjoyable. I wonder why didn't I familiarize myself more with the man's projects back then. Anyways, check this out and the two albums and demo as well!
3 kommenttia:
I believe what you have is simply an advance CD track I dubbed for some tapetrading friends. BTW, this is Mikael of NCD. There was no official promo in '97. This COULD even be a rough mix version before we mastered the CD. I'm not sure. I do know that for the 2nd CD we did 3 final mixes and used the 3rd one we did. The 1st & 2nd mixes sound different and I may rip them someday. I do have some NCD live shows from '98 and also 2 rehearsals, 1 from '97 and then 1 from '99 with unreleased never-before-heard instrumental versions of what would have been new songs had we not split up in 2000.
This is Mikael of NCD. We did not release any promos in '97 - I think this is just a dub of one song I made from the forthcoming CD at the time for a tapetrader as filler on a tape. It MIGHT be a rough mix version - I'm not sure. I do have some live NCD (soundboard) and 2 rehearsals (1 from '99 has never before heard unreleased tracks in instrumental versions). If interested, drop me an email for the links to DL them.
Hails & thanks for confirming what I speculated! I'm certainly interested in the rehearsal/live material if you want to share it, I'll send a mail to your yahoo address (assuming it's valid) shortly!
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