Seirim - ...Of The Dark One demo 1995
1) Intro
2) ...Of The Dark One
3) Short Way To Eternity
4) Torches Of Death
5) Sign Of Blasphemy
6) Slave Of Your Lord
7) The Unreal Chain
8) Outro
I'm drunk and tired so I'm not going to bother with big introduction for this one; it's German blackened death metal and a demo. Decent rip and worth your time, really, if you enjoy black/death metal. That'd be all for now.
20 kommenttia:
Hi bother
Exchange banner or links? your banner already added
Greetings Velkaarn, your blog is awesome. I think it's really cool to have a blog with your own rips of rare material, so I've been replacing old and shitty tape dubs and rips with good sounding downloads from here for which I'm very grateful.
I was wondering if you have Barathrum's "From Black Flames to Witchcraft"? I have a dub of it on cassette but it's at the very end of the tape (there's a lot of other demo stuff in it) and I only have 1 and a half song out of the 4.
Keep up the great work in the Asmodian Coven. This place rules!
Thanks for the comments, appreciated!
As for Barathrum's "From Black Flames...", I can't help you at the moment with that as I don't have it on tape. However, if I find a good rip I'll post a link here. Feel free to do the same!
I've seen the "From Black Flames..." demo here:
Perhaps this is a decent rip, didn't download it yet
Thanks brother TD, I also noticed it's posted here: http://raf666underground.blogspot.com/2010/02/barathrum-from-black-flames-to.html - I'm downloading it at the moment.
After a quick look I'd say it is the same rip, at 320 kpbs it ought to be good if the tape wasn't dodgy. As a side note Attila the Hun's discography is not complete as there were also a bunch of official/semi-official rehearsal tapes Sova spread. However, it's still a recommendable link! (It's the link THE DECEASED posted)
Thanx by the way for the Seirim-demo! Didn't have it until now.
thanks! A good one
you might be interested in the fact that these guys supported Barathrum on a few dates of their first European tour. Aside from the albums, they also had a split 7" with Purgatory out on errrr.... I think it was on Perverted Taste Records.... as well as some further tapes.
I didn't know that (or if I did, I've forgotten) - I wonder if anyone would have some of those gigs on tape/video? Would be interesting to hear.
Yes I know they have other tapes out, haven't heard them yet. I kind of stumbled into this while getting a bunch of demo tapes some time ago.
I have the Rotterdam gig of Barathrum on video. About Seirim, I don't think I have any shows from that tour, but I might have a show from about the same era. "Might" because I am not 100% sure if I watched my own copy or some mate's na if the latter is the case I can't say right now if I made a copy then or not. I'll check that though - now I am curious myself.
Well, by all means have a look and let me know whether you found it or not! How was the Barathrum show, do you remember?
Do you mean the Barathrum show on the video or the show I saw?
Anyway, the show I saw was insane - as expected! In other words: really good.
The video is okay, but it lacks some "dynamic energy" if you know what I mean... There's not too much feedback from the (seemingly small) crowd and there's loads of smoke on stage, making it hard to make out what's going on sometimes. It looks like it was filmed from some balcony with a tripod, so it is very stable. (I don't remember seeing a balcony in that place, but memory might betray me)...
I meant sort of both, thanks for letting me know! The video seems quite promising by your description, it is always good if shot with a tripod (well, anything but just hands!). Was the venue The Baroeg perhaps?
Yes, it was. I thought I had mentioned it... Well, we don't get any younger, eh?
Anyway, De Baroeg it was. Haven't been there for 8 years, but I just remembered that though there was no balcony, they had some "window" upstairs that enabled you to view the stage from there (I think the offices and stuff were upstairs) ...or film it! :)
You're definitely right about that! Maybe it was someone from the staff who filmed the gigs using that window then, or someone who had backstage access like friend of the band or roadie? Sometimes the bands used to have someone film the shows and weren't as picky about it as the "rock stars" of today.
I heard that the guy who ran NEP back then filmed some of the shows, so my best guess is that he filmed this one, too! I wish there was a video of the other bands available, incl. local support WROK, but I guess that remains a dream.
I take it that you would like to see that video, so I will look for it tomorrow (I am redecorating, so most shit is stuffed away) and upload it as soon as I can.
You don't happen to have that vid where sova plays the drums (with bones as sticks), do you? I saw it, but never owned a copy and would love to see it again!
That's my best bet too, he'd seem most likely candidate for that. I wish they'd done that all the bands and shows, but well I'm greedy. ;)
Yes I'd like to see it whenever you have time, don't worry about it, first things first.
I have somewhere the video you're talking about (Kuopio 1993 I think) but I'm not 100% where. I also don't have a TV or video recorder at the moment so it'll be a bit challenging to do something about it when I find it. But I'll try!
That'd be great. Take your time, I haven't seen it in ages and as much as I'd love to see it right now, I can easily wait for a while.
As far as I know, this guy taped loads of shows, but most of them seem to remain inside his closet. A lot of the audio tapes circulating of stuff like Countess are the audio tracks from his videos (I think I heard that at some point, so don't quote me, but it makes sense, because the quality is quite good).
Well, I guess we're both greedy when it comes to stuff like that! :)
Thanks again for looking up the tape! I'll repay you with upping some stuff unheard of soon! :)
I actually got that show directly from Sova as he needed to borrow my video to duplicate some stuff back when we lived in the same town. Unfortunately my old video was a piece of shit so the quality is not very good.
I should try to ask around if I could find a better copy of that, I think I should be able to do that but like you mentioned in the other post some people are not so easy to reach as we are not all slaves of Facebook and whatnot. ;)
Uh-huh! Tell me about it!
I'm not a member on Fakebook, Twitter or any other so called social network, actually I consider them rather antisocial. I can see the point in being on there if you have a site, band, film or business to promote, simply because everyone seems to be on there, but I have never felt the need to expose my private life and data on there or read up on when some "friend" of mine had his last shit.... and I also don't need a big list of so called friends made up of 90% people I have never met and never will who don't have a life outside of the web. I'm sure the CIA was able to get rid of half of their staff thanks those sites.
Anyway, I really appreciate it that you're looking for the video!!!! If you ever have some VHS vids you want to go digital, I can help btw. I have a DVD recorder and a good VCR making that pretty easy and I have done my share of video editing, too. You'd need a backup copy though, I'd not want you to send your precious unretrievable tapes through the mail. Just an offer you can keep in mind. No obligations! :)
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